Power automate Flows for SharePoint

We can assign sharepoint memeber to a SharePoint group

Note: Every group name has a prinicple ID which we need it to play around.

Step 1: using connector "Send HTTP request to Sharepoint"

Step 2: Use end points as below for Url: Here 6 is the group ID we can get from sharepoint settings click on group and in the URL we can find the group ID.


Step 3: Headers

Headers: accept application/json;odata=verbose content-type application/json;odata=verbose

Step 4: Body 

Body: {"__metadata":{"type":"SP.User"},"LoginName":"XYZclaims"}

Note: Keep remember quotes "" are required when dynamically passing claims value


Note: Here xyzclaims means your dynamic "people picker field having claims"

In SharePoint list for an Item, Assign Unique permissions

General procedure in SharePoint, In the item level, we need to break the permission from the default and add provide contribute access.

SharePoint field Receipient field or ModifiedBy user or CreatedBy user

I have a scenario, where recepient field with people picker. Receipient field user once item created, he should having default permissions, and then I would like to assign a unique permission to the user of Receipient field (as contribute access)

Flow steps:
Step 1: When an item created
Step 2: Initialize a variable for principle ID of recepient user field.
varprincipleID_Recipient_field as integer type

Step 3: In order to get principle ID of receipient field, we are connecting to sharepoint list

send http request to sharepoint connector
Url: _api/web/SiteUsers/getByEmail('@{triggerOutputs()?['body/Recipient_x0020_Email']}')

Step 4: assign the output of step 3 to varprincipleID_Recipient_field 

using Set varaible action:
varprincipleID_Recipient_field to

Step 5: Now we need to assign the read permission to the user.
Hence in this step, we are add role assignment as read access first.

using Send HTTP request to sharepoint connect
POST method

1073741826 - Read
1073741827 - Contribute
1073741829 - Full control access

Break inheritance of Sharepoint List item and assign a sharepoint group from full control access to contribute access

Step 1: Initialize variable for principleIDForSharePointGroup
Step 2: Now we need to break the inheritance for SharePoint list item

Send HTTP Request to SharePoint 
URL: _api/lists/getByTitle('Acknowledgement')/items(@{triggerOutputs()?['body/ID']})/breakroleinheritance(copyRoleAssignments=false,clearSubscopes=true)

Step 3: Now We need to get the principle ID
Send HTTP request to Sharepoint
URL: _api/web/SiteGroups/getbyname('Centralized%20Operations%20Communication%20Management%20Owners')

Step 4: Set the priciple ID to the variable principleIDForSharePointGroup from Step 3


Step 5: now we need to addroleassignment to the item with our new principle ID with permission level

of read/contribute which ever we want to give

Use Send HTTP Request to SharePoint

POST method



After this step, Make sure admin Owner is having full control access by repeating similar steps again

Flow to check with List field (type people picker field) wether O365 AD group or SharePoint Group

Step 1: Compose action, Acknoweldgement field (people picker field in SP List item)
Step 2:
using Condition action,
Outputs contains i:0#
Here Outputs means Compose varaible output.

if No means the Step 3:

Step 3:
Initialize and Set a variable name Uri with

Step 4: using Condition action, find out whether O365 AD group or SharePoint group

Outputs contains c:0t.c|

If Yes means, Office 365 AD

Step 5:

initialize and set a variable ADGroupuser string type

Step 6:
Use connection from O365AD, List group memebers 
Group ID: assign step 5 output variable ADGroupuser

step 7:
Compose variable
Inputs: value "which is nothing but value output from step 6"

Step 8:
Apply to each

We can see individual values like We can get email, login name etc..

Step 4: continuing, If no means SharePoint group

Step 9:
We use Send HTTP request to SharePoint

Uri: URL (pass the URL prepared in Step 3)

Step 10: Initialize and Set varable which is Array type with d.results
as below formate

Since it is array, we need to loop it

Step 11: Apply to each
We can get email, login name etc..
